Sunday, March 21, 2010

Apartment Inquiries

Here are some fun or more interesting things that have been brought up around the dinner table of Late.

Why do guys not peruse girls here at BYU Idaho? They just move on to the next girl.

How does a young man know if the girl is playing hard to get or if he is just a creeper?

What makes someone an adult? (my definition ... someone who can talk in a business meeting and someone that can play in the sand with kids.)

Why is everyone up here so worried about getting married? Why don't live life and keep the commandments, will God provide a spouse? ( I have no idea and I need thoughts or our apartment will have a civil war.)


  1. For me what makes some a adult is if that person can own up to there actions.For example if you get a girl prego and you deiced to run you are not a adult. But if you man up and own up to what has happen you are on the right track of becoming a adult

  2. Took me a while to understand "prego" was slang for pregnant and not the tomato sauce... I just didn't get it for a minute there...
    Yeah, an adult is responsible. Too many people over 18 aren't even adults yet.
    I haven't seen much of this problem of not pursuing girls here. I've actually seen quite a bit of steady relationships. If there's any that aren't pursuing and just rushing into things with anyone and leading them on, they're not adults either.
    Girls who play hard to get need to be honest with their feelings and speak and in my opinion aren't adult enough to pursue anyways, if that's the case they just choose to not be forward and speak their mind.
    And marriage... I agree with your opinion and respect it. I'm anxious to get married and I look forward to it, but I'm not going to kill myself over it. The Lord will provide as long as I do my best and am willing to follow through on what the Lord has planned for me.


Chris please don't kill a deer