Life is really like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get. I have always tried to live to the fullest. I have always pretended that my life is a novel and each day I try to make each page one worth reading. Believe it or not I am now 22 years old and I for one never thought I would make it this long. For the first 19 years of my life I only lived to serve a mission and now that's done I have been in a real tight spot. Wow well after coming home I realized that I could no longer be Elder Sardoni because well I would have been a real weirdo and I would no longer be the same Nate that I used to be. When you don't really know who or what you are anymore life gets way lame and boring. The R.M. chapter of my life was one that I wish no one would ever read because it is filled with all the lonely, indecisive, and unexciting times that accompanied my return to the western hemisphere.
The R.M. chapter ended in January of 2010 when I first waited outside the door to Sister Embree's communications class. I didn't really know anyone and I only had one previous class mate that I recognized and well her and I had never really spoken. I remember thinking or myself this class had better be easy or I am gone, this is not my major and I can take some other class to get the G.E. credit. Haha looking back on my first impression of this class all I can do it laugh boy was I wrong and I am glad that for once I was smart enough to stick it out and see what a class was all about.
The day my outlook on the class changed was the day I stood up and volunteered for a class activity. The activity was supposed to get us stressed but well I thought it would not be funnier and from then on I looked forward to class everyday. In fact the crazy thing is that I never missed a day. There was this almost black hole gravity well that kept me coming and participating even when I didn't feel well. I remember this one day when I did not feel well. I had been sick for the last week and if it wasn't for the constant "the world doesn't stop for you Nathan" going through my mind I would have stayed home. On this day of days the class topic was on relationships. Anyone who has ever made my acquaintance knows I have a hard time believing in relationships escpecially between the boys and girls. (thats another story.) I remember everyone in the class was excited to talk about this topic but to start the day we were going to have some volunteers participate in an improv. I didn't raise my hand for the position and I remember as if ti were this morning Sister Embree looking at me and calling my name. I guess she didn't want a volunteer after all haha. I stood up and got into my position. My female counter part took her position and here we were sitting way to close for my comfort (our knees and shoulders were like touching) pretending to be a couple that has been dating for 6 months. When I told my family and friends about this they laughed especially when I told them we had to look into each others eyes longingly. (the second time was the charm here)
This class really pushed me to find out about myself and to care about others in a new way. The ME and YOU projects really made an impact on me. Being asked to share about myself to a bunch of strangers well it just not my cup of tea. The YOU project was well different as well. What was said about me has really humbled me. I don't take compliments well they make me feel little for some reason and to have a person tell you how awesome you are in front of others and then have everyone else agree with them is a very different experience for me. My own project was delayed a week which made it nerve racking to say the least. I wanted to keep the whole thing a secret and well I think I did a good job there but everyday I didn't go just left me with the feeling that I had to do more. It wasn't hard to find more things to say my project person makes a really good case for herself to win a Nobel prize. ( if Obama could do it so could she) It was alot of fun to see the reactions I got when I finally did get to present.
I really didn't want this semester to end. I had finally started making head way in life and now its over and I have to move on to another adventure. This chapter of my life was one worth reading. I have gained a new insight on the man that I am supposed to be. The project we did really gave me back my courage that I had been missing. No mortal really know what has happened to us this semester. I could try and explain but I don't think they would ever truly understand. I have made some real friends in this class. I have new dreams and things I would like to do and I hope we all stay in contact so that we can share some of our dreams together.
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