Sunday, March 21, 2010

Listening Assingment

For my comm 150 class we all got the opportunity to go out and really listen to someone for over a week. I chose to try and listen to my roommates more and one particular. Now I wont give names because that unprofessional and then when they read this I would have some explaining to do. One mate of mine in particular is well going through some emotional turbulence and since he considers himself a manly man he does not think it appropriate to share his discomfort. I found that by letting him know that it was OK to talk about things and that I was willing to listen without giving advice the doors flew open and he just well wanted to talk about his life a lot more. I tried the same thing with a number of roommates and about half of them I got the same responses from and the other half as loving as possible proceeded to make fun of my man hood. Which is OK in hindsight because I still don't like sharing my feelings, I find it very uncomfortable knowing that people now have information they can use. Not that I have every done anything seriously wrong before but people can be quite painful to be around when they know whats important to you.
Sharing your dreams and goals with people should be something you with only a few people who can actually help you. When I have gone out and shared my goals with everyone I find that they have less meaning and lose a lot of their flavor.
When you have concerns that are eating away at you I find that having a listening ear is something that can really help alleviate stress. When people listen to you and help you understand what you are going through by giving an outside look at things then I find at least I can make a better decision.
Being the open ear to people has made a profound effect on my life. I have learning a lot by listening to people and I have learned a lot about myself.

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Chris please don't kill a deer