Thursday, March 25, 2010

My first life thoughts

Alright well recently I have been getting influenced to write down my life's ideas and goals on this thing. Funny how no one will fallow this thing but well whatever. Life recently has been full of things that could nave been hardships. This semester has been the hardest academic semester of my college career yet. With that thought came the realization that there are going to be harder times in the future and that I should just buckle down and get the job done now. In my personnel life well things have never been better. I feel like I am growing into a better individual everyday. Now with that written down here I have to give my disclaimer that my life is far from ideal or perfect. It does however at the moment suit my needs. Life at the moment is missing a few key characters seeing as how I am still single. I don't however think that being single is a bad thing for someone in my situation. I am only 21 and there is plenty of time even in the Rexburg Mormon culture for me to find the one. All in good time these things will take care of themselves. I feel that when I meet someone worth pursuing I will go out and pursue but in tell then well there are better things to do then mope around. I am now applying for jobs for this summers term and man after this semester I will have studied a whole year without break.
Since coming home from the mission I have obtained 47 credits which puts the grand total at 60 credits. Yeah I really want to take a break and make some money. Getting back in shape would also be awesome now I still get to work out on occasion up here but lets get real I need some more time and activities to get back into a fit lean physique. What else do people worry about lets see. I have good and some decent friends and my family is doing well from what I here. My brother Devan is in the mission field prancing around Southern Mexico and he will be gone for a long while yet.
Hmmm I really wonder at times if people read these things like on other individuals blogs. Life goes ever on and if anyone has a better way to look at life then lets hear it.

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Chris please don't kill a deer